Thursday, September 9, 2010

Utterly Confused?

Random Thoughts
of Idiocy and Confused Notions
  • I'm over my ex, but am I the type of person who can commit at all? Or should I say, am I the 'valid' type a guy would want to be his gf?
  • 'JK' he is just a very close friend, but I seem to take his matters very seriously, like his personal problems, his health and well-being, and his interests. Am I just being an annoying BusyBody?
  • Do I have a crush on NiCc? He has a gf already, so I'll just keep it this way. Yes, I may visit him sometimes, but it's not worth it to destroy a friendship over some stupid confused notions I have rumbling in my brain & heart. Also, I have a commitment problem, in case I forgot. I'm not good enough to be anyone's gf yet, until I change. And change is writtten in the symbol TRIANGLE. Which means, change shape?? 
NOTE: Just thoughts. Real feelings may vary in comparison, or have randomized differences. LaLaLa~

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